Handsome Guy

Bruce Tollefson

Currently working on my path to Certified Technical Architect. I am 14x certified, looking to use my knowledge and expertise in order to help teach others about Salesforce.

Creating a Living Data Dictionary in Salesforce

A data dictionary is a list/document used to describe a system and the fields and attributes associated to the system. A lot of times this can be an excel spreadsheet or a word document to describe the system, the fields, the attributes associated to the fields, etc. A Salesforce data dictionary is a very important […]

Deploying a Specific Salesforce API Version using Visual Studio Code

If you are using Visual Studio Code to deploy to Salesforce and come across an API Version specific error such as ‘Property ‘componentInstances’ not valid in version …‘ there are several options to try: 1. Change the Package.xml version When deploying through the package.xml try changing the version(<version>xx.0</version>) to the specific version you need. Then deploy and see if that […]

Viewing Platform Events in Salesforce using a Lightning Web Component

Platform events can be a pain to work with when trying to view/troubleshoot. You can either create a trigger, subscribe with an external application, or use the emp-api. Using a trigger is difficult to read in the debug, an external application creates other barriers such as connecting to Salesforce along with taking events, which leaves […]

How to view a Person Account Org without Contacting Salesforce Support

Salesforce Person Accounts can be a difficult model to understand. This post won’t be going over person accounts, however it will be going over how you can view and learn about person accounts in your own org without having to contact Salesforce support. In order to create a Person Account org in Salesforce you have […]

Guide to Outbound Messaging – How to View the Message

Outbound messaging is a configurable workflow-driven method to send messages from Salesforce to an external endpoint. The message is driven by and can only be triggered through a workflow-rule. Outbound messages are SOAP-based messages that contain notifications(up to 100 per message) in the message. Each message can hold multiple notifications which are singular events that […]

Creating Dynamic Fields in Salesforce

Not all sales agents work the same way. Not all of them build relationships with clients in a structured way that aligns with each other. However, being able to understand how they work can provide a way to create a structured measure of success. There are times when an agent may want to create their […]

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