

What does Bulkify Mean?

Within Salesforce you have a bunch of governor transaction limits. These limits are are there for each transaction as a way to make sure one org is not able to use more resources than estimated / allotted for and slow down the whole tenant. That is where bulkifying comes in. This term is used to […]

What is Metadata

Metadata is ‘data about other data’. In the terms of Salesforce metadata is your Objects, Fields, Page Layouts, etc. This is what admins, developers, and architects will be updating within Salesforce. The end user such as a sales rep will interact with the metadata in the sense of the layout definition determining what they can […]

Randomly Select Records in a List

Within Salesforce if you would like to randomly select a record / object out of a list you would have to create something custom. This article will go through a randomizer class with several methods for how to randomly select a single record in a list, how to randomly select multiple records in list, and […]

Changing a Text Field to a Rich Text Field

You created a text field based on business requirements, everything gets implemented to production and now requirements changed where you need to change the field to a rich text field. To add to that you have added apex references to the field. If you check the UI go to the field you want to change […]

Identify Production / Sandbox Salesforce Org in Apex

In order to write reusable code and not hardcode in Apex there are times you will need to know if you are working in a Sandbox or Production org. Most of the time it would be to change variables such as knowing when to use a dev named credential vs a production named credential (hopefully […]

Tasks in UI aren’t Querying correctly

If you have tried to query a Salesforce Task that you can see in the UI but can’t query via Developer Console or Visual Studio Code. More than likely you are trying to query an archived Task. Don’t worry I have done this many times and keep forgetting about it. Luckily there still is a […]

How to find an Object Child Relationship Name

Salesforce SOQL doesn’t have traditional joins, instead, there are 2 different types of relationship queries: Parent-to-Child and Child-to-Parent. Child-to-Parent SOQL queries is Salesforce’s way to join a list of child-related records with a parent record. In order to obtain the list of child records and their data the SOQL query must look something similar to: […]

Benefits of Creating a Generic Platform Event

Platform Events are a very useful feature within Salesforce. As the underlining technology to be able to use event-driven architecture, platform events within Salesforce provide near real-time event messaging which can be used internally and externally. Platform Events like other SObjects are pretty flat, the structure is an object with key-value pairs. In most scenarios […]

Reducing APEX Transaction Governor Limits with the Singleton Pattern

There are many best practices to adhere to when writing APEX. One of them around governor limits is to reduce the number of SOQL queries within the APEX code. A very common way to reduce queries and not to hit the dreaded: System.LimitException: Too many SOQL queries: 101 error is to use the singleton pattern. This […]

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